Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I'm 1 in 300,000,000

I think I'm the only person in America, maybe the entire free world, who doesn't love summer.  Right now everyone is just giddy that warm weather has arrived.  Fijufic wrote an entire post about it yesterday.  Not me.  I absolutely HATE walking out the door in the morning, for I know summer will be staring me in the face.  I live for, dry, and coincidentally, it's football season, too. :)

"Sticky" is one of those touch sensations that drives me nuts.  Is there a name for "sticky phobia"?  If there is then I'm their poster child.  When I eat something sticky I save it for last, eat it, then go wash up.  A simple wipe on a napkin won't work.  

Except for west Texas, this is a humid, sticky state.  That could be our state motto:  "Welcome to Texas, the humid, sticky state."  

I feel so good after I shower, shave, and dress for the day.  Then I open the door and walk out, and before I can get to my car I'm sticky.  I feel like I just jumped into a huge vat of sticky.  I crank up the car A/C as high as it will go and about the time I get to work, I'm fairly comfortable again.  Then I step out of my car and it's sticky time all over again.  Some days, like yesterday and today, I have to spend the majority of my time outdoors.  Homes under construction need supervision, and that's me.  Sure, there are a few good things about summer, like swimming, but I don't swim nearly enough to offset the misery of my daily sticky dip.

For me, summer is a season to be endured, not enjoyed.  I need to find me somewhere to live that's not sticky, someplace high and dry like Colorado.  I'm just sayin'.


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