Monday, June 13, 2011

I did it! I really did it!!

I watched an entire basketball game start to finish.  That might not sound like it's any big deal, but you have no idea how quickly my short attention span can lose interest in basketball.  For one thing I don't understand the game. Sure, you put the ball through the hoop more than the other guys, I get that.  But is there any strategy?  

It seems like a game for simpletons.  That, or it's an extremely complex game requiring immense intelligence and cunning, which makes me the simpleton for not getting it.  It looks to me like 5 guys just run around and around and pass the ball back and forth and back and forth until they catch the other guys a half-step out of position and then take their shot.  *yawn*  Is that it? 

Oh well, the home town team (Dallas) won, so to be able to participate at the water-cooler post-game back-slapping party today I did my homework and watched.  "Did you see 'ol Tyrone Bigfoot do that trip-fall with a half-twist hook shot at the buzzer?  Hot damn!!  I ain't never seen nuthin' like it!"  I'm ready.

On to more exciting news...we had an earthquake in Dallas yesterday.  It registered 2-point-something.  I think I saw my ace earthquake-predictor dog Emma Belle wake up, give a little yelp, then go back to sleep.  At the time I just thought she had gas, but then I heard about the 'quake on the news.  I don't think my friends in California would have been too impressed.  Which is just as well.

Stay cool.


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