Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Plan

Our brief whirlwind trip to Aspen is taking shape.  If all goes as planned we will arrive in Aspen early PM on Friday.  Hotel check-in isn't until 4 PM, so we have time to drive around and scope the place out, including finding a nice restaurant for our first evening there.  Then at 9 PM K has made us reservations for  a 1 1/2 hour-long walking "ghost tour" of Aspen, which is enthusiastically recommended.  Sounds fun!

Saturday morning we're going to the farmers market where they have places to eat breakfast and have live music, too.  In the afternoon we'll take the gondola to the top of the mountain where the views are reportedly spectacular. (Hey, it's ASPEN.  Of course they're spectacular!)  Probably have a nice meal up there later, too.

Early Sunday afternoon we have reservations to go white-water rafting.  I don't think this is a terribly violent excursion, probably more "family friendly".  They will issue us some sort of "wet suit", but they also say to bring a change of clothes for when we return, so I imagine we're still going to get plenty wet.  With the night time temps in the 40's and the river being nothing more than snowmelt, I don't think I'll be whining about being too hot.  If anything pneumonia might be more of an issue.  Haha!

That's all we have planned for now.  Our plane departs around 4 PM Monday.  All the gaps in our schedule can be filled in spontaneously with whatever we see that looks like fun.

And just FYI...this morning at 7:30 in Aspen it was 56 degrees.  :)


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