Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Poli-Grip Panthers

Politics NOT as usual. That's what the 2012 elections are shaping up to be. Generally, this makes me very happy. I've even heard more than a little talk about hauling away all the lobbyists in chains, abolishing Political Action Committees (PACs), and...dare I say it out loud...putting term limits on Congress. Woo-hoo!

But...there's always a "but"...they're also talking about limiting/drastically reducing Medicare and Social Security. Hold on there, Kemo-sabe. "We the people" have had a contract (some would argue signed under duress) with the government for decades that said we pay now, we get benefits later. Now it's "later", and they're wanting to renege? Better think this one through, Beltway Boyz. All those rabble-rousers from the 60's just might become the new Poli-Grip Panthers.

The Feds don't want to pay me now that I'm on Social Security's doorstep? Fine. They can give me back ALL the money I've paid into those systems, plus market rate interest since I began working, and I'll call the contract off as if it never happened. Cut my SS 25%...then gimme back 25% of what I've paid in plus interest. Fair is fair, Uncle Sam. What's it gonna be?


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