Monday, May 16, 2011


.....It'll just encourage the bastards.

That pretty well sums up how I feel about the election season that is starting in earnest right now. I can't think of a single candidate of either party who I trust. All of 'em speak with forked tongues.

As I'm fairly Libertarian I find some (but certainly not all) of what Ron Paul says to be interesting, but of course he has ZERO chance of being elected. Same with Donald Trump (who's officially out anyway). Really? "The Donald"? He's much too pompous and abrasive and profane to ever be elected anything, but still, he's at least speaking up and making some un-PC points that need to be made. Good for ya, The Donald.

Then there's Newt Gingrich.

Lemme ask you this: What if you came home from work and found a robber running out the back door with your TV, then a few days later you saw the same guy hot-wiring your car and driving off, and then still later you saw video surveillance of the same guy using your stolen identity to charge up your credit card. Then came November and you saw the same guy's picture on a campaign billboard saying "Vote for me, the law & order candidate". Would you believe him?

Isn't that what Newt is asking us to do? He was a member of Congress for 20 years, including 4 years as Speaker of the House. It was "leaders" like him and the other 534 members of Congress that are primarily responsible for us being in the horrific mess we're in today. Now we're supposed to believe he's reformed, and that we can trust him? Really?

So who does that leave?



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