Friday, May 13, 2011


The set up: These days it is (apparently) fashionable for high-school-aged boys to do something outlandish as part of asking a girl to go with them to the prom, such as serenading the girl as she eats dinner out with her girlfriends, etc. Pretty harmless stuff.

ABC news this evening had a story about a kid who cut out cardboard letters and taped them on the outside of his high school building, asking his girlfriend to go to the prom with him. (She said "yes".) But the school administrators said he was to be banned from the prom because he went back on campus after hours (apparently a hanging offense) to tape up the "Will you go to the prom with me" letters.


Now, I'm a pretty hard-nosed guy when it comes to discipline, but even I have to say this penalty does not fit the crime. By all accounts there was no damage, no malicious intent, but just some good, clean fun.

What's wrong with people today? Have the Taliban discreetly taken over running our schools?

The administrators need to lighten up juuuuuust a bit, don't ya think?


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