Sunday, May 29, 2011

Too many passwords

This falls into the category of being the "bug" splattering against "life's windshield":

Yesterday I wanted to know what my checking account balance was, so I went online. Of course I had to enter my account number and my password, but I had a brain fart and couldn't remember WHICH password was the current one.   Seems a few months ago I entered the wrong password several times in a row and as a security measure it locked down my bank account all together.  I called them, waited forever for a real live human being (I think his name was "Peggy"), and he instructed me on how to set up a new password.

Now I'm experiencing "deja vu all over again".  Which one among my dozen or so passwords is the current one for this bank account?  Not the one for my online newspaper subscription, not the one for my Amazon account, not the one for my gmail account, not the one for my Yahoo account, not the one for my USAA bank account, not the one for my LL Bean account, not the one for.....

I have always been told to NOT use the same easy-to-remember password for ALL my accounts as one hack could literally open up EVERY account to a hack.  But damn, I'm sometimes challenged just trying to find my keys in the morning, much less trying to keep a dozen passwords pared up with their respective accounts.

Oh, and the outcome of yesterday's goof?  I asked for an email reminder of my password, and the email they sent me said to call one of two phone numbers for assistance.  They both had recorded messages saying they were closed.



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