Monday, May 2, 2011

The weekend, Pt. 2

Sunday morning after our usual on-line church we took our newspaper and parked ourselves in a couple of comfy leather chairs at Starbucks. A leisurely hour-and-a-half later we moved on to Central Market. There my big score for the day was some fresh-made habanero guacamole, heaven for a chilehead like me.

Back home we went through our last few things that needed sorting and putting away, where I found these:

These English coins were left over from my trip there 5 years ago. I thought I had spent/tipped my last whatchamacallit at the Duty Free shop before I boarded my plane, but I must have forgotten about these.

Finally, K and I visited our storage room to arrange the few things we didn't get rid of on Saturday. Trust me, this looks SO much better than it did just 48 hours earlier:

Actually, all the boxes on the left are empty ones that we saved for a potential future move. This was my one big space that wasn't clean and tidy until now. Neat-freak Lowandslow feels MUCH better now.

Calling it an early evening we were in bed just dozing off when my daughter Andrea text-messaged K to let us know Usama bin Laden was now swimming with the fishes, courtesy of the US Navy Seals.

I feel like a lot was accomplished yesterday. Then it started raining and I slept like a baby. It doesn't get much better.... :)


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